Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's Sunday~

Hey guys! It's definitely rare to see me update on a Sunday. Hehe. Actually I have nothing to update about. Hmm... Or maybe I do. Remember the previous post on "Random updates"? There's this part where I mentioned about some card-making session right? Well, in fact, today is my church's Grandparents' Day/Elderly Day. So actually the cards are made for them. So the youths, went around the sanctuary giving the cards to those who are standing (60 years old and above) and then the preacher blessed them with a prayer and that's it. Haha. Hmm... What more? Hmm... How about i share with you my hairstyle and outfit of the day? ^^
Here's it!
Shall i do some hashtags? HAHAHA. That's what people on Instagram normally do right? xD Let me insert some hashtags then.. Hmm.. #Hairstyle #natural #curls #dress #ootd #floral #prints #pretty OKAY. THAT'S IT. I dont know what to tag about anymore. :P That's all for today. Enjoy! x

Friday, November 2, 2012

We are a part, not apart. [PLEASE READ]


The original trend is that whatever teacher that teaches you during Sec3 will definitely follow you up to Sec4. Especially form teachers. However, that's not the case for my class. Without much time to prepare, our form teacher, Miss Lee, is leaving. Leaving as in really leaving Singapore. When she broke the news to my class, she was on the verge of crying but she held back because it was supposed to be a good news as she's getting married! But since she's getting married to a Canadian, she told us that she'll be settling down in Canada too and that means that she'll not be following my class up to Sec4. When we heard the news, the mood was solemn yet exciting. Some of my friends cried too. But the thing is that everyone is having mixed emotions as we are not sure if we should be sad because she's leaving and probably not coming back anymore or that we should be happy as she is getting married, and found her partner for life.

I remember that she was in Canada last year for some courses too but at that time, I didn't really care less about her. Because when i was in Sec1, which is two years ago, through the rumors and influence from my seniors, i got to know that she's really naggy and is sometimes unreasonable and you'll never know how much I dislike her and how glad i was when i know that she will be going to Canada that year. And this year, when i know that she's back, i was really unhappy and it happens that she became my form teacher! I can't believe it. I was so against it thought that it was bad luck and soon my classmates also came to know about what a clown she was making a fool of herself at times and how sarcastic and annoying she is at times. We always made fun of her in class but we actually failed to realize something.

She is actually a really caring teacher and you can approach her easily and tell her about your problems and she does her best to help you. She is also very concerned about all her students' well-being and always tries to correct them. However, we see all this as her being extra and annoying. And now that she's leaving, we gradually start to realize what a caring teacher she is and how much we wanted her to stay on. She broke this news to us on the last day of school this year which is about... 2 weeks ago? But well, we have to accept it as it is. We still have to bless her and congratulate her for her marriage! And below, i have a note by a classmate who was always pin-pointed by her and this is a really touching yet hilarious letter^^ (Writer of letter: Lew JunWei):

  I'm actually going to miss Miss Lee. Yes, she nags, but still, I like it. It shows how bloody much she cares for us. Tell me, who don't like it when someone actually takes the effort to consistently remind us to do this and do that, all for our own good. (Like how she nags at me to stop rocking my chair in class) She is sarcastic. As in really extreme sarcasm. No doubt I felt irritated then. But now, without hearing her god damn sarcastic remarks in everything that I do in the future... I just can't adapt. Really. I'm going to miss her husky voice. Her rare zhao xia cases. And her "meeeeee-annnnnnnn-derrrrrrrrring river", her " junwei is health guru / love guru", her "HEY. Don't say the S H I T word." her "EH WHO NEVER DO THEIR DUTY AR. CLASS IS SO DIRTY." , her " All right class, let's have a 2 minutes break. What song would you all like to hear?" And finally, her " Did I tell all of you that I really enjoy teaching this class?" multiple times. Everytime I'm tired, she will see it all. "Junwei, you okay anot?" Who'll ever do this? No one else. But her. As much as I dread her classes, I'll always look forward to seeing her wide,cheerful, sensodyne-like smile. Looking forward to know who's her victim for the day. She's funny. Always able to make me laugh at least once in a day. And I really appreciate it. A lot. Her enthusiasm is the one that really inspires me. HOW CAN ANYONE IN THE WORLD BE SO ENTHU EVERY SINGLE DAY, YOU TELL ME? Always using weird tones while teaching. Geez. She never takes mc. I still remember how she had serious runny nose but she still continued to come to school. I regret. Truly regretful. How I have never cherished her. How long do I have to wait, to be able to meet such a.....great, glamorous....perfect teacher once again? A trip to Canada, perhaps.

Truly touching with a sense of humor.... And there goes, our form teacher, the one that teaches us Social Studies and Geography is gone. And next, guess what? Another blow. It's a news that we just got yesterday... Something that we definitely dread to hear... Mrs Esther Choo, our Additional Maths and Elementary Maths teacher is leaving too. But nope, not leaving the school or country like Ms Lee but still, she's leaving us. We will definitely still see her in school though, but she's not teaching us anymore. 

Here's a picture that we took with Mrs Choo on her last day teaching us. :')

Our class love her. She's like so interesting and always shares stories of her 2 cute daughters to us. Oh, and she treats us like her children too (: When we are having 3 period lessons, she never fail to make us persevere through. Though i don't know how but we do have conscience and you wouldn't believe me but even when people owe her homework or anything, she never punishes them. Sometimes we even took her for granted but she never once did yell or get frustrated at us. Everyday, no matter how tired she is with countless of meetings and lessons, she always enter the class with a huge smile plastered on her face. It's like unbelievable. I mean, everyone has their limits right? Once you reach your limit you'll just erupt or breakdown right? What about her? No, she's not a robot. She just has the passion to teach. As simple as that.

And next year is like the critical year but yet 2 teachers are leaving us and these 2 teachers hold a significant meaning to us....

Random Updates :D

Okay. So about 2 weeks ago, i went to trim my hair and since i already have natural curls, I just decided to make it look nicer so in the end my hair turned out like that. HAHAHA. Was really bored so decided to have some fun with my hair! Totally love it! (;

OH SHIT! Haha. So i got your attention? xP It's BROWNIES~ Baked by a sister from church for our fellowship! OMNOMNOMZ. The one on the left includes marshmallows and the one on the right is just original! (; HEHEHE. It was so YUMMYLICIOUS! 

Last Sunday, youths from my fellowship did cards/bookmarks with inspiring verses for the people living in the neighborhood, mainly the elderly. We split into groups so some people did the cutting some did the decorating and i did the writing with some other too! (; Pretty! It's kind of related to Thanksgiving or Christmas or maybe just a sort of outreach program to those who haven't received Christ? ^^ Let's just hope that it will be put in good use~

And here's the team that works on the cards. Not all actually. Some already left. Hehe. :D

And this is the end of my random update, maybe i shall update a last post for the day. It'll be quite a solemn one. xoxo

[Update] Born on this day ~26 Sept

Here, here. This post is just a continuation or update from my previous previous previous....... the post on 26 September, which is my birthday! Haha! I'm just gonna post pictures of some of the present from my awesome and lovely friends and guess what? Even now, more than one month after my birthday, i'm still getting belated birthday presents! Really love my friends for making my birthday seem so important 

Firstly, this is the latest present i got from MeiXian! My dearest babe!  I really love it. 
And this cute little red bear here is given to me by a group of my awesome classmates! Let me name them.... JiaQian, Sneha, Felicia, ShiKai, Jolyn Tan, Darren and Chongmin! Thanks so much for this cute red bear. And just for extra info, this bear was really pathetic in class because it got raped by many people. To put it in simpler terms, everyone is fighting over it. :P

As you can see here in this two pictures, there are lots of random stuffs and you can observe that majority of it is chocolates. Yes. I LOVE CHOCOLATES. You got it. But there are also other really useful and cute presents as well as cards from friends! That was the best day ever 

Forensic Science Workshop ~ 3-7 Sept

Are you a fan of detective shows or shows that investigates crime scenes? For example CSI Miami, The Mentalist, Nip Tuck(Or whatever you call that) and etc. Have you ever wondered how it really goes about in real life? Have you ever imagined yourself being the detective and solving the cases and carrying out experiments with you friends? OH WELL. This explains it all! If your answers are all positive to my questions above, you're in for some treats because i'm gonna share about some cases that i have learnt about how to solve and all. Provided that i can still remember! (; There isn't really much but really hope that you can continue reading~ I'll share a few photos too! Anyway, the course was held in Singapore Polytechnic (;

Firstly, it all happened like that. I attended this workshop with my friends and it's during the one-week September school holidays. And so this guy, Dr Goh, he's like a really important guy. Why? Because he has this year's 'O' level exam paper in his laptop! HAHAHA. Okay wait. That's not the exact reason xD It's because he's the one that checks through assessment books for they are published. And if he doesn't approve of it, the assessment books would be useless. But if he approves, PUBLISHED. Got that? Yeah. So i learnt a lot from him like cases from the past to the present. But before i share some cases that i still remember, let me share the photos first alright! ^^

Here are my classmates that went for the forensics workshop! And we're in our lab coats. HEHEHE. 

My awesome friends and I, camwhoring, after we finished our experiment. HAHAHA.

Yeah. You didn't misread it. HAHAHA. I think this solutions (if i'm not wrong) is for testing steroids or something like that. OH! I remember. It's an experiment on forensics analysis of steroid hormones using high performance liquid chromatography. WOOTS^^ We used Hydrocortisone, testosterone and progesterone for testing! (: Sounds fun huh? 

If i'm not wrong this is the end product of the testing of steroids.  See  the colour difference? I think it's because of the different hormone standards (: Interesting?  HEHE. 
And so.... That's all for the pictures part! (: So now, it's time for story telling? Hehe. Pardon me first because i'm really no that good in describing that sort of things alright and I'm afraid that i may have already forgotten about some cases. Anyways, i'll just start with my case study for that course. There are four case studies for four groups and my group is in charge of this case study on the Romanov case. It's during the time of the Russian Revolution, the royal family consisting of the Tsar, Tsarina and 4 daughters and 1 son (I think) were captured by the Bolsheviks. Many many things happen after that, like when they're executed and there are rumours that two other daughters are still alive or something and many experiments are carried out. However, during that time, they don't have all these high tech way of like using Mitochondrial DNA and so things get really confusing. You can do some research on this case and you'll realize that it links to the cartoon that everyone(almost) watches, Anasthesia. I can't shre the full story here but as much as i tried to find out more about this case, the internet is just not so reliable/accurate and it lacks many information. So i actually learnt a lot from this workshop itself! ^^

Other three cases is about Curare in Jascalevich Murder Trial, Wayne Williams Trial and O J Simpson case. As much as i want to share, I think i can't because i'm afraid that making you guys read all these is getting real boring. Maybe i'll share more next time? Like a random post. Hehehe. So let's see if you're able to catch it! :D Sigh.. I really wanna share sososososososo much but my hands are getting real tired from typing and i still have more posts to update you guys! But i'm surely gonna share some cases that happen in Singapore or even share more about what I've learnt about the O J Simpson case! Fyi, i saw really brutal and gore pictures from the O J Simpson case study. It's like really cruel!But well, I guess i have to move on to the next post! Catch up with you guys real soon with all these case sharing thing! So be sure to check out my blog again for storytelling sessions! HAHAHA xD

Happy (belated) Teachers' Day! ~31 Aug

HELLO EVERYBODY! Finally~ It's time i update my blog! Hehehe. So rry for the false hopes that i'll update really soon. Hahaha. All lies >< But ohwell, today's the day for a major update! Lots of things happened during this period of time and gosh! I can't wait to share! But although i won't be sharing much, but I'll try (: This post would be the update on my school's, or would rather my class', teachers' day celebration! To thank all teachers for their guidance and hardwork and etc~ I'll just post some pictures and add some details in the caption alrights! I won't be posting all the photos and to be honest, I lost some. O_O Nonetheless, ENJOY~

HAHAHA! This is my physics teacher Mr Tsia. He's really a big joke! We doodled on  the whiteboard and drew some cute characters for our teachers on the bores. And some mischievious friends start to draw extra details on the characters making fun of them! Until Mr Tsia came in and he saw it........ And he decided to join in the fun! xD This is just so hilarious. And that, he doodled on his own character. LOL. And his pose really matches it! He's a really fun and great teacher! ^^

And this! Is my class photo! With my form teacher(left-sitting on chair), Ms Lee and co-form teacher(right-sitting on chair), Mdm Nor. (: We took many shots and this is a fun shot! But yeah... i know some guys just stand like statues.... Fun huh? xP Just kidding~ And there's two pretty boys sitting on the floor trying to act cute :P HAHAHA. Oops. Exposed! ;D

And last but not least my fave photo of it all! It's me and my fantabulous girls! From left: Stephanie(Same class as me), ME, Alene(In class 3e2, the class after mine but with same subject combinations) and Doretta(She loves sweets as much as i love chocolates~ (; She's from 3e4, yet another class) Love them all lovelies!~ Finally got a picture together! <3 td="td">
And that's all for the first ever update after eons!~ HAHAHA. Hope you enjoyed reading~ There's still more to come! Up next, Forensic Science Workshop xoxo

Saturday, October 27, 2012

HAHAHAHAHAHA. OMG. I'M SUCH A LIAR RIGHT? I SAID I WANTED TO UPDATE BUT I DIDN'T! OHGOSH. PARDON ME PLEASE. But i'm just really really reeeeeeally busy these days. I mean i'm lazy too. So... haha. Erm. And im supposed to have my holidays already but no. Because the school has this "Extra curriculum" thing or what other schools call it "bridging" programme for secondary 3 students (15 yrs old) to prepare us for our National Exams/'O' or 'N' levels. Confusing huh? Sigh. I have so many things that i want to share with you guys, so many things i wanna talk about but..... Time. Time is what i need! But check this out. I have to go church tomorrow and will always be out for the whole day and..... my november schedule is really packed. Sigh... But this is life right? I wanna uplaod a photo of my november schedule but i can't! Ohwells. I'll do it when i can. I'm so sorry oh gosh how can i express my apologies? :'( I really will find time in-between my busy schedules to update! For real!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Born on this day ♥

HEY GUYS! I know I know. I'm so sorry! I didn't update for so long! Basically, I was busy with school stuffs and many many other things! And my exam is coming! Like... Next Monday. Haha. So, actually, today is my 15th birthday! *Happy* And when i got to school, many people wished me happy birthday and i got LOADS AND LOADS of presents!~ ^^ I'm so happy today! (Although my hand almost broke when i reach home because of the weight of the presents. Haha!) But since i'm currently busy cramming and mugging for my exams, i wont be updating the full details of what i failed to update previously. But trust me! After my exams, which ends on 9th October, i will definitely update you guys FULLY! I'll be updating about my school's Teachers' Day Celebration on 31 Aug, a forensics course that i attended during my school's one-week break from 3rd to 7th Sept, and about my wonderful birthday!  Maybe there'll be more but i can't remember as i have to go back to mug for my exams! But really. I PROMISE YOU GUYS. I will DEFINITELY update you guys after my exams! *Pinky promise* ^^ Love you guys! People who read my blog posts are my motivators! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August babies.^^

Hey peeps! Managed to find some time to blog on a Sunday. It's really rare you know. Went out early in the morning at 11am to go to church for service and only reached home at around 7+pm. So today, just have something little to share. It's august and i realized that quite a number of people have their birthdays in this month, especially around this period! Isn't it? So today in church, we celebrated Shawn and Karkeat's birthday. And this lovely lifegroup member baked these two cakes for them! ^^

This is Shawn's cake. Looks yummy right? Want some? Hehe :D

And this is Karkeat's cake. Isn't it seducing? Hahaha!

Here's a picture of Shawn(left) and Karkeat(right)! (:(:

Sadly i don't really like cakes or would rather, i only eat chocolate cakes. Like only chocolate. No strawberries, other fruits or excess cream. LOL. I just wanna stay healthy and not get fat! HAHAHA. But anyways, just a little update. And last but not least, Happy Birthday to any August Babies out there! (: xoxo

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Memories of 2 months. ♥

 HELLO! Okay firstly, we'll start of with something personal which is..... I changed my fan! Hahaha. From transparent white to black. 
How does it look? Cool? Stylish? Probably modern? LOL.
 And also not to forget! My church organized this overnight prayer meeting which is from 10pm of 8th Aug to 6am of 9Aug which is my nation's birthday! ^^ And so this is the sanctuary of my church(:

 NEXT! Not to forget something hilarious that i did. My friend came over to my house on a friday. I wanted to eat something so i went to toast these egg cakes and in chinese we call it 鸡蛋糕(ji dan gao) I turned on the toaster and went into my room and later, my eldest brother came and knocked on my door and asked me:"Did you toast something?" And i was like:"OMG! I DID!" And i ran to the kitchen and found these pathetic over-toasted cakes. :( Sad story right? So i just have to stay hungry.... *sobs*

And here now.......... Just some random camwhore that i did. HAHA. xP

 Oh! And just recently, just yesterday 17th August, i had this cca activity which is a Choral Exchange with 4 other schools, one from China, namely Hang Zhou Philharmonic Angel Choir, 2 primary schools from Singapore, Woodlands Primary School(Which is also my primary school!!) and Qihua Primary School, and last but not least, the hosting secondary school, Edgefield Secondary School. These are some of the gifts that we got from the China choir and there's still some more but i'm unable to take the pictures. :/ And another thing personal, it's my dad's birthday too(; Happy belated birthday daddy~

A cute note from a kid from China with best wishes on it.
 And at the end of everything, my friends, Erlly and Jocelyn sneeked outside the school's library to get some polaroid shots and one of it is the one on the right. The one on the left is taken in our school too but on National Day which is on 9 August. (: It's all about memories~ 

 And the very latest! Which is today, i went to my friend, Grace's house to study and so, we also went to Causeway point to get some random things. We got some chocolates, an apple juice and sushi!! :D Looks yummy! Just some motivation to study. Haha. And to add some things, while i'm doing my work, Grace was watching this korean variety show called "Running Man" and there she is, laughing like a mad woman because it was so funny! Lol. Crazy girl. :P But anyways, i managed to complete my work. Mission accomplished. (:

And THIS is the highlight of the day! This crazy girl tried to open her chocolate(which is the m&m milk chocolate. Mine is the yellow one. The one with peanuts.) And so she walked into her room and opened it like a boss and HOLLA! It all scattered on the floor and her bed. CLEVER HUH? HAHAHA! And i what did i do? This is what best friends do when their friend is in trouble: YOU LAUGH FIRST UNTIL YOU'RE DONE AND THEN....... YOU HELP THEM CLEAN UP. Muahahahaha! xD

And that's all for today! I really really will try to find time and share more stuffs with you guys okay! See ya and have a great day ahead! (; 

It's been so long..

2 months plus passed just like that............. Without updating my blog! I'm so sorry guys. It's just been so busy and my mood's been turning on and off and you know, sometimes even when i'm free i just don't know what to blog about or what to blog about. Pouring out my feelings? Nah.. I don't like others to know how i feel or what's my burden. Just happy things. I like to share the joy, not sorrows. (: I guess i'll just update some random things first to keep you guys updated for the past 2 months! ^^ And then i guess i'll be off again for another LONG LONG time because of school. All the tests, homeworks and upcoming exams. It's like we're having tests EVERY WEEK! Stress right? You don't say? Haha. But well oh well, the laughter and care from my friends can really cheer me up at times! :D Okay. Stay tuned to my next post because i'll be updating some of the things that occured the last 2 months! Love ya'll (;

Saturday, June 9, 2012

OIKOS2012 ! ♥

Okay! Here are some pictures from the camp. Enjoy! ^^

In the car!! We're on the way to the hotel. Still a really long way to go~ (:
Basically, because we went by car and not bus with the rest of the church, we have alot of spare time to we just went shopping around Jonker Street and other places. This is a picture of Grace, Keane and me on the trishaw! It's my first time and it's really really fun! Isn't the trishaw pretty? ^^

This is the day view and night view of the ferris wheel and the river from my hotel room. Compare them! :D The night view is really beautiful right? ^^

And here's the day view and night view of the clock tower or whatever you call it from my hotel room too! I LOVE the night view. HEHE. I call it the 'Mini Ben' which is inspired from the 'Big Ben' in London. Hahaha! It chimes every hour and it's really cool too! (;
On the third day, my friends and i went shopping and i bought these keychains for my other friends in school! It's from a shop name 'Home Sweet Home'. There are many cute and pretty things! And the names are hand-written ON THE SPOT! Pretty isn't it? xoxo.
And THIS! It's my camp lifegroup(: It's really fun interacting, praying and doing discussions with them! Made lots of new friends too~ JOHN 13:34 ♥

And this is all i have! ^^ Shall update someday again~ Have a great day ahead(;


HI GUYS! I'm back from my church camp! (; Had loads of fun though the journey to and fro was tiring it's still fun^^ Shall upload some photos i took at camp soon~~ xoxo.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

RADCON2012 ♥♥♥

THIS IS IT! RADCON12 IS SOMETHING THAT YOU NEVER WANT TO MISS! I know i'm a bit late but well, basically, it's aka Radical Conference 2012. It took place from 31 May to 2 June. It's a conference held by the Church of Singapore(Bukit Timah) where surprisingly, is a church where many Unitians(Students from Unity Secondary School. We call ourselves that^^) go to! :D I was invited by my friends and REALLY. It's AWESOME. I can't describe how good it is with words! It's a place where you can get set free, experience God and let the Holy Spirit fill you! No one walks out of that conference unchanged and dull. Trust me. It's simply the love of God. I even bought all the CDs of the sermons! There's a total of 8 sessions and i bought them all(:(: The sermons are by Pastor Mark Varghuese and Pastor Reggie Dabbs! They're just so awesome and their sermons are just............ WOW. It's already been 3 days since the end of the conference and guess what? My RADCON mode is still ON! The praise and worship, sermons and everything! It's just so amazing! The love of God.♥ I have photos to share too! ^^
From left: Cynthia, Jocelyn, Cherilyn, Me^^ and En Lin


HAHAHA! It's cool right! ^^ Enjoy your day everyone! God Bless~ ♥

Young Engineers Award (YEA)

On 31 May and 1 June, I have this course at Singapore Polytechnic(SP) for my Young Engineers Award (YEA). This is the Silver stage. My whole class passed the Bronze test and this course is to determine if we pass Silver and if we can proceed to Gold. I heard that not everyone and proceed to Gold. Even if you passed Silver already, you can only get to Gold if you are recommended. Is that 'Wow'? Haha, i guess. Anyways, there are 4 different types of engineering courses we can choose from. There is: Computer Engineering, Aerospace Electronics, Basic Electronics and Clean Energy. They have different dates for each courses respectively, so due to other activities and such, my friends and I have decided to take on the Aerospace Electronics course. It's really a great experience and we get to do some hands-on activities like soldering or making a plane and see whose plane can hit the bull's-eye and etc. It's really cool! (: But the thing is that i wonder if i can pass Silver, get recommended and proceed to Gold. It's hard, so i'll pray hard^^ But i know that Gold isn't easy either. But if i pass Gold, i can get a scholarship in SP! Cool right? (; That's why... But yeah, I guess we'll just have to wait and see? ^^

June Hols! :D

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while. I just wasn't in the mood. Forgive me for that >< Anyways, in Singapore, it's the June holidays now!~ I'm sure everyone is planning on a vacation or whatsoever~ Haha! But also, it's absolutely NOT a holiday for the 4E5NA students because they're all busy preparing for their O's! Can you believe how stressful it can get especially when it's holiday but you can't get to rest? WOW. I don't think i can survive, do you? Well oh well, i'll be going through the same thing next year!! AHHHHH! I can't bring myself to imagine this! And so, i have to use this holiday wisely. But even though it's a holiday i have assignments too! WHAT IS THIS. Don't teachers get the meaning of 'holiday'?? They should seriously check out the dictionary. Agree? Anyways, i'll be going to Malacca, Malaysia tomorrow for my church camp! Really excited. It's 4D3N and i can't wait! (:(: But before i go, i still have LOADS to update you guys about and after i'm back, i'll be back with more^^ Stay tuned! xoxo.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Parent-Teacher Conference(PTC)

Went for PTC today.. I'm suprised that Ms Lee didn't say a LONG sermon about me and kept it all short and sweet unlike others where she talks a lot of nonsense. LOL. So... Yea. I dun really want to talk about it and my results now but... Sometime maybe? (:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Back from camp!!

HEYHEYHEY! I'm finally back from my camp! Sorry for not being able to update you guys. Well, th camp was quite fun actually. Just that on the second day i got sick so i wasn't able to do the activities that day. Anyways, some of the activities are: Jetty jump, Sherwood, Challenge village, Paintball, Tree-climbing, Team-building(It's all abt obstacles and mud!) and Sampan rowing!! Does it sound fun? You guys wanna try? HEHE. And i'm just coughing like mad now.. Had throat infection on the second day and it's was followed by flu and cough. Now the infection is gone, i'm still coughing like a mad dog! And do you know the feeling when you want to sneeze but couldn't sneeze???!! YES! THAT'S THE THING!! D:

Sunday, May 20, 2012

9 more hours.

It's camp tmr!! Nine more hours and i'll be assembled in sch with my friends and our BIG, BULKY AND FAT bags! So many things to bring!! And i'll be headed ti Tanjong Piai. Will only be able to update you guys again after my camp!! Which is either Wednesday? Or thursday(: Hope that i can have some photos to share with you guys! So..... Goodnight! (:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back from shopping~

Hey ya'll! I'm back from shopping!! So late right. I know. When i went shopping, i feel like i'm gonna faint any time. I have headache and my leg was aching. Similarly, it affected my mood for shopping. But after all, these are the things that I bought(Excluding what my parents bought): -2 track pants for the camp, A pair of slippers, 3 bars of chocolate and a big packet of kitkat! Haha. So..... PEACE. :D


My camp is coming...... I don't know why but i just don't have the YAY-CAMP-IS-COMING feel.. And my camp is at this unknown place called Tanjong Piai at Johor. Well, my fren's been there... And i'll be there for 3 days and 2 nights! Exciting? I don't know.It's from next Monday to Wednesday. And i've only gotten th packing list yesterday.. And until today, i didn't even bother to look at it! And i'm going shopping later, probably after i upload this and i'll head out to Square2 to look for my mom and wait for my dad. Yeah. So that's about it. So i just wanna say that i won't be able to update you guys until either when i get back from camp on Wednesday or maybe Thursday. And for some info, some of the activities i'm gonna do there is: Paintball, Tree-climbing, Jetty-jump, Flying fox and many others!! But the sad news is, i might not be able to do the wet activities because of you know.... #Girlproblems? Lol. So yup! Only gonna update on wed or thurs. I don;t think i have time tomorrow because i'll be busy packing my stuffs for camp and i have to go to church! (:

Friday, May 18, 2012

Looking back.....

Honestly, sometimes i will just take a few minutes to scroll back to the older posts of my blog and read them. If you compare them like by the use of language and stuffs, and some contents, i really brings back some really awesome memories for the past 2 years. And now, i'm like stressing over studies and stuffs. I feel like i've gotten more mature.... Maybe not that much but compared to last time it's obviously a lot! And the truth is, i actually wanted to delete this blog and create another one. But this blog has so much memories that i couldn't bear to delete it. So, i can tell that this blog can really mean a lot to me. And of course, my life is so much better now than it was when i was 11 or 12. I guess the worst time of my life was when i was 12. Cyber-bullied, no true friends and all... It all just sucks. Until i get to secondary school, where i meet new friends, friends that i can trust so much more than those in my primary school. Studies have improved, and still getting to know more and more friends. How cool is that?! Like yeah... Haha! So... Just some random thought to share before i go to sleep? ^^ Okayy. Nitenite(; xoxo.


HI BLOGWALKERSSS!! Yea, as i said, i missed Dark Shadow and went to watch My Girlfriend Can See Ghosts in stead right? So here it is, the poster:

Yeahh. I know it looks kinda freaky too but it's really a great movie! It's like about romance, horror and comedy. Hahaha! It's just.... So close to perfect! But i will still try to catch my Dark Shadow.... Soon! Lol. Okay. So this is our ticket! Went to watch this movie with my lovely friends: Erlly, Jocelyn and Eunice!!! <3
Tickets!! (:

And a random photo of meeee. Lol. Kcan! XD

And so.......... This is it! Actually, thinking back, i haf so much more things to post about! But i just don't have the time! >< So... Next time maybe? (;

"My girlfriend can see ghosts"

HI GUYS! Hmm... I said before in the previous posts that after The Avengers i'm gonna watch Dark Shadows right? Hmph. I was supposed to watch it today... But the timing of the movie is just too late. So instead, my friends and i just decided to watch a Korean movie "My girlfriend can see ghosts". Well, more about the movie is that it's kinda half horror and half comedy. In the end, it's still a hilarious movie! HAHA! It's really worth the watch though i'm kinda disappointed that i didn't get to watch Dark Shadows.. But it's okay! Because i'm gonna find some time during the upcoming holidays and be sure to catch it! This way, there'll be NO REGRETS. (:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Suggestions?? (Don't be alarm with the colour. It's just urgent)

Hey guys, i need some suggestions for somethings. You see, i don't really promote my blog and not a lot of people actually bother to read some of my posts. And don't even bother about commenting on it. But recently, i've thought about something. But i need some feedback too. It's about giving the people who read my blog a name. As in, to give MY blogwalkers a name. Like you know in recent posts, I just keep saying "Hey Blogwalkerz" Like that. Isn't "Blogwalkerz" a little bit old fashion and........... has no originality? I do think so. Hmm.... So i really need some suggestions to get a name! Oh gosh. It's harder than giving babies their names! Hahaha! But yeah, maybe i can consult some of my friends and make a poll for it or something? Alright(; Please really really do feel free to drop me some comments about this. I need it a lot! Or maybe if you have some friends with lots of ideas, maybe i can use some help? ^^ 


Hey Blogwalkerz, let me ask you guys something. Do anyone of you play bingo online?? Haha. Okay, i know that this is a lame question but honestly, i kind of enjoy playing bingo online. Mainly on Facebook. Where i play it with people all over the world! COOL RIGHT! 8D Lol. But i'm not really active on facebook. I just go and check my notifications and play BINGO! Hahahahahahaha. Okaycan.

The Avengers.

Ohyeahhh. Yes, that's it. I've finally caught it. Haha! But i actually watched it yesterday but i just didn't have the time to update the blog. So sorry. But well, yeah. And i just wanna say that this movie is really AWESOME! It's like, even if you don't know anything about The Avengers and you're not a fan, you will still fall in love with it when you watch it. (Just like what happened to me) LOL. Alright, so i actually went to Cathay in Causeway point to watch it with my dad. I was supposed to watch Avengers on Tuesday with my dad right? But well, we actually had a tiff and so i kinda ignored him >< Yeah. But yesterday, he actually texted me when i'm in school having lesson and asked me if i want to watch it with him that day! Hahahaha! Is it sweet or what? ^^ And it all went on smoothly and the show is really funny too! Make sure you guys catch it because it's really worth it(; And.................. What's next on the list? It's Dark Shadow. The one with Johnny Depp and others(: Gonna watch it tomorrow! Can't wait! Okayokay. Shall talk about it soon. Have a great day ahead! :D

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

MOVIE?? (;

Hello Blogwalkerz! Once again, we've met. HAHA! Okay, i'm mad. But yeah, just wanna update some random stuffs like....... I just had my 5 stations-NAPFA today and it was like shit? LOL. But i'm sooooo glad that it's already over! And now, after i update this post, i'm gonna dress up and go on a movie date with........................... MY DADDY!! <3 Isn't it sweet? ^^ Have any of you guys went on a movie date with your parents before? Well, this is my second time. Hehe. I'm sure many of you must be wondering what movie i'm gonna watch and i'm telling you now that i'm gonna watch The Avengers!! :D So looking forward to it! And i guess on friday i'm gonna watch Dark Shadows with two lovies--Erlly and Jocelyn<3 Alright, I guess this is about it! The next post will most probably be about The Avengers! (; Have a great day ahead! xoxo.

Friday, May 11, 2012


HEY BLOGWALKERZ!! I know, i know. I have not blogged like since....... I don't know when? HAHA! But yeahh. I shared some videos that i think is really nice and i hope you guys can find some time and watch it! (: Anws, let's talk about something that's trending worldwide like... Weeks ago? HAHAHA!! Okay, i'm like kinda OUTDATED :P Anws, it's about the HUNGER GAMES!! Have anyone of you watched it?!! It's seriously and reaaallyyyy AWESOME! It's a pity if anyone of you didn't catch it but yeah, GET THE DVD!! LOL. Okay. But now, i know that in Singapore, The Avengers and Dark Shadow is on TOP! Heheh. I'm still finding time to go catch these two! Well oh well, my exams just ended today. Phew. Like FREEDOM FINALLY. :D So........ Yeahh. Now that my exams are over, maybe i should really find some time to keep updating you guys! Sorry, you know, SCHOOL-STRESS. HAHAHA! Okayyyy! So.... Blog next time? YEA! Luv ya'll! <3 xoxo.

Call Me Maybe (Cover by Tiffany Alvord) + LYRICS

She really look like Taylor Swift here!! <3 Just-so-pretty^^ So, have you fell in love with this song? Here's the lyrics(:(:

[Verse 1]
I threw a wish in the well,
Don't ask me, I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell,and now you're in my way
I trade my soul for a wish,pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this,
but now you're in my way
Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?
Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?
It's hard to look right,
at you baby,
 but here's my number,
 so call me, maybe?
 Hey, I just met you,
 and this is crazy,  but here's my number,  so call me, maybe?
And all the other boys, try to chase me,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?
[Verse 2]
You took your time with the call,
I took no time with the fall
You gave me nothing at all,
but still, you're in my way
I beg, and borrow and steal
At first sight and it's real
I didn't know I would feel it,
but it's in my way
Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?
Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?
It's hard to look right,
at you baby,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?
Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?
And all the other boys,
try to chase me,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?
Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so, so bad
Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that
I missed you so, so bad
It's hard to look right,
at you baby,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?
Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?
And all the other boys,
try to chase me,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?
Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so so bad
Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that
So call me, maybe?