Sunday, August 19, 2012

August babies.^^

Hey peeps! Managed to find some time to blog on a Sunday. It's really rare you know. Went out early in the morning at 11am to go to church for service and only reached home at around 7+pm. So today, just have something little to share. It's august and i realized that quite a number of people have their birthdays in this month, especially around this period! Isn't it? So today in church, we celebrated Shawn and Karkeat's birthday. And this lovely lifegroup member baked these two cakes for them! ^^

This is Shawn's cake. Looks yummy right? Want some? Hehe :D

And this is Karkeat's cake. Isn't it seducing? Hahaha!

Here's a picture of Shawn(left) and Karkeat(right)! (:(:

Sadly i don't really like cakes or would rather, i only eat chocolate cakes. Like only chocolate. No strawberries, other fruits or excess cream. LOL. I just wanna stay healthy and not get fat! HAHAHA. But anyways, just a little update. And last but not least, Happy Birthday to any August Babies out there! (: xoxo

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