Friday, November 2, 2012

Forensic Science Workshop ~ 3-7 Sept

Are you a fan of detective shows or shows that investigates crime scenes? For example CSI Miami, The Mentalist, Nip Tuck(Or whatever you call that) and etc. Have you ever wondered how it really goes about in real life? Have you ever imagined yourself being the detective and solving the cases and carrying out experiments with you friends? OH WELL. This explains it all! If your answers are all positive to my questions above, you're in for some treats because i'm gonna share about some cases that i have learnt about how to solve and all. Provided that i can still remember! (; There isn't really much but really hope that you can continue reading~ I'll share a few photos too! Anyway, the course was held in Singapore Polytechnic (;

Firstly, it all happened like that. I attended this workshop with my friends and it's during the one-week September school holidays. And so this guy, Dr Goh, he's like a really important guy. Why? Because he has this year's 'O' level exam paper in his laptop! HAHAHA. Okay wait. That's not the exact reason xD It's because he's the one that checks through assessment books for they are published. And if he doesn't approve of it, the assessment books would be useless. But if he approves, PUBLISHED. Got that? Yeah. So i learnt a lot from him like cases from the past to the present. But before i share some cases that i still remember, let me share the photos first alright! ^^

Here are my classmates that went for the forensics workshop! And we're in our lab coats. HEHEHE. 

My awesome friends and I, camwhoring, after we finished our experiment. HAHAHA.

Yeah. You didn't misread it. HAHAHA. I think this solutions (if i'm not wrong) is for testing steroids or something like that. OH! I remember. It's an experiment on forensics analysis of steroid hormones using high performance liquid chromatography. WOOTS^^ We used Hydrocortisone, testosterone and progesterone for testing! (: Sounds fun huh? 

If i'm not wrong this is the end product of the testing of steroids.  See  the colour difference? I think it's because of the different hormone standards (: Interesting?  HEHE. 
And so.... That's all for the pictures part! (: So now, it's time for story telling? Hehe. Pardon me first because i'm really no that good in describing that sort of things alright and I'm afraid that i may have already forgotten about some cases. Anyways, i'll just start with my case study for that course. There are four case studies for four groups and my group is in charge of this case study on the Romanov case. It's during the time of the Russian Revolution, the royal family consisting of the Tsar, Tsarina and 4 daughters and 1 son (I think) were captured by the Bolsheviks. Many many things happen after that, like when they're executed and there are rumours that two other daughters are still alive or something and many experiments are carried out. However, during that time, they don't have all these high tech way of like using Mitochondrial DNA and so things get really confusing. You can do some research on this case and you'll realize that it links to the cartoon that everyone(almost) watches, Anasthesia. I can't shre the full story here but as much as i tried to find out more about this case, the internet is just not so reliable/accurate and it lacks many information. So i actually learnt a lot from this workshop itself! ^^

Other three cases is about Curare in Jascalevich Murder Trial, Wayne Williams Trial and O J Simpson case. As much as i want to share, I think i can't because i'm afraid that making you guys read all these is getting real boring. Maybe i'll share more next time? Like a random post. Hehehe. So let's see if you're able to catch it! :D Sigh.. I really wanna share sososososososo much but my hands are getting real tired from typing and i still have more posts to update you guys! But i'm surely gonna share some cases that happen in Singapore or even share more about what I've learnt about the O J Simpson case! Fyi, i saw really brutal and gore pictures from the O J Simpson case study. It's like really cruel!But well, I guess i have to move on to the next post! Catch up with you guys real soon with all these case sharing thing! So be sure to check out my blog again for storytelling sessions! HAHAHA xD

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