Friday, November 2, 2012

Random Updates :D

Okay. So about 2 weeks ago, i went to trim my hair and since i already have natural curls, I just decided to make it look nicer so in the end my hair turned out like that. HAHAHA. Was really bored so decided to have some fun with my hair! Totally love it! (;

OH SHIT! Haha. So i got your attention? xP It's BROWNIES~ Baked by a sister from church for our fellowship! OMNOMNOMZ. The one on the left includes marshmallows and the one on the right is just original! (; HEHEHE. It was so YUMMYLICIOUS! 

Last Sunday, youths from my fellowship did cards/bookmarks with inspiring verses for the people living in the neighborhood, mainly the elderly. We split into groups so some people did the cutting some did the decorating and i did the writing with some other too! (; Pretty! It's kind of related to Thanksgiving or Christmas or maybe just a sort of outreach program to those who haven't received Christ? ^^ Let's just hope that it will be put in good use~

And here's the team that works on the cards. Not all actually. Some already left. Hehe. :D

And this is the end of my random update, maybe i shall update a last post for the day. It'll be quite a solemn one. xoxo

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