Friday, November 2, 2012

We are a part, not apart. [PLEASE READ]


The original trend is that whatever teacher that teaches you during Sec3 will definitely follow you up to Sec4. Especially form teachers. However, that's not the case for my class. Without much time to prepare, our form teacher, Miss Lee, is leaving. Leaving as in really leaving Singapore. When she broke the news to my class, she was on the verge of crying but she held back because it was supposed to be a good news as she's getting married! But since she's getting married to a Canadian, she told us that she'll be settling down in Canada too and that means that she'll not be following my class up to Sec4. When we heard the news, the mood was solemn yet exciting. Some of my friends cried too. But the thing is that everyone is having mixed emotions as we are not sure if we should be sad because she's leaving and probably not coming back anymore or that we should be happy as she is getting married, and found her partner for life.

I remember that she was in Canada last year for some courses too but at that time, I didn't really care less about her. Because when i was in Sec1, which is two years ago, through the rumors and influence from my seniors, i got to know that she's really naggy and is sometimes unreasonable and you'll never know how much I dislike her and how glad i was when i know that she will be going to Canada that year. And this year, when i know that she's back, i was really unhappy and it happens that she became my form teacher! I can't believe it. I was so against it thought that it was bad luck and soon my classmates also came to know about what a clown she was making a fool of herself at times and how sarcastic and annoying she is at times. We always made fun of her in class but we actually failed to realize something.

She is actually a really caring teacher and you can approach her easily and tell her about your problems and she does her best to help you. She is also very concerned about all her students' well-being and always tries to correct them. However, we see all this as her being extra and annoying. And now that she's leaving, we gradually start to realize what a caring teacher she is and how much we wanted her to stay on. She broke this news to us on the last day of school this year which is about... 2 weeks ago? But well, we have to accept it as it is. We still have to bless her and congratulate her for her marriage! And below, i have a note by a classmate who was always pin-pointed by her and this is a really touching yet hilarious letter^^ (Writer of letter: Lew JunWei):

  I'm actually going to miss Miss Lee. Yes, she nags, but still, I like it. It shows how bloody much she cares for us. Tell me, who don't like it when someone actually takes the effort to consistently remind us to do this and do that, all for our own good. (Like how she nags at me to stop rocking my chair in class) She is sarcastic. As in really extreme sarcasm. No doubt I felt irritated then. But now, without hearing her god damn sarcastic remarks in everything that I do in the future... I just can't adapt. Really. I'm going to miss her husky voice. Her rare zhao xia cases. And her "meeeeee-annnnnnnn-derrrrrrrrring river", her " junwei is health guru / love guru", her "HEY. Don't say the S H I T word." her "EH WHO NEVER DO THEIR DUTY AR. CLASS IS SO DIRTY." , her " All right class, let's have a 2 minutes break. What song would you all like to hear?" And finally, her " Did I tell all of you that I really enjoy teaching this class?" multiple times. Everytime I'm tired, she will see it all. "Junwei, you okay anot?" Who'll ever do this? No one else. But her. As much as I dread her classes, I'll always look forward to seeing her wide,cheerful, sensodyne-like smile. Looking forward to know who's her victim for the day. She's funny. Always able to make me laugh at least once in a day. And I really appreciate it. A lot. Her enthusiasm is the one that really inspires me. HOW CAN ANYONE IN THE WORLD BE SO ENTHU EVERY SINGLE DAY, YOU TELL ME? Always using weird tones while teaching. Geez. She never takes mc. I still remember how she had serious runny nose but she still continued to come to school. I regret. Truly regretful. How I have never cherished her. How long do I have to wait, to be able to meet such a.....great, glamorous....perfect teacher once again? A trip to Canada, perhaps.

Truly touching with a sense of humor.... And there goes, our form teacher, the one that teaches us Social Studies and Geography is gone. And next, guess what? Another blow. It's a news that we just got yesterday... Something that we definitely dread to hear... Mrs Esther Choo, our Additional Maths and Elementary Maths teacher is leaving too. But nope, not leaving the school or country like Ms Lee but still, she's leaving us. We will definitely still see her in school though, but she's not teaching us anymore. 

Here's a picture that we took with Mrs Choo on her last day teaching us. :')

Our class love her. She's like so interesting and always shares stories of her 2 cute daughters to us. Oh, and she treats us like her children too (: When we are having 3 period lessons, she never fail to make us persevere through. Though i don't know how but we do have conscience and you wouldn't believe me but even when people owe her homework or anything, she never punishes them. Sometimes we even took her for granted but she never once did yell or get frustrated at us. Everyday, no matter how tired she is with countless of meetings and lessons, she always enter the class with a huge smile plastered on her face. It's like unbelievable. I mean, everyone has their limits right? Once you reach your limit you'll just erupt or breakdown right? What about her? No, she's not a robot. She just has the passion to teach. As simple as that.

And next year is like the critical year but yet 2 teachers are leaving us and these 2 teachers hold a significant meaning to us....

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