Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy (belated) Teachers' Day! ~31 Aug

HELLO EVERYBODY! Finally~ It's time i update my blog! Hehehe. So rry for the false hopes that i'll update really soon. Hahaha. All lies >< But ohwell, today's the day for a major update! Lots of things happened during this period of time and gosh! I can't wait to share! But although i won't be sharing much, but I'll try (: This post would be the update on my school's, or would rather my class', teachers' day celebration! To thank all teachers for their guidance and hardwork and etc~ I'll just post some pictures and add some details in the caption alrights! I won't be posting all the photos and to be honest, I lost some. O_O Nonetheless, ENJOY~

HAHAHA! This is my physics teacher Mr Tsia. He's really a big joke! We doodled on  the whiteboard and drew some cute characters for our teachers on the bores. And some mischievious friends start to draw extra details on the characters making fun of them! Until Mr Tsia came in and he saw it........ And he decided to join in the fun! xD This is just so hilarious. And that, he doodled on his own character. LOL. And his pose really matches it! He's a really fun and great teacher! ^^

And this! Is my class photo! With my form teacher(left-sitting on chair), Ms Lee and co-form teacher(right-sitting on chair), Mdm Nor. (: We took many shots and this is a fun shot! But yeah... i know some guys just stand like statues.... Fun huh? xP Just kidding~ And there's two pretty boys sitting on the floor trying to act cute :P HAHAHA. Oops. Exposed! ;D

And last but not least my fave photo of it all! It's me and my fantabulous girls! From left: Stephanie(Same class as me), ME, Alene(In class 3e2, the class after mine but with same subject combinations) and Doretta(She loves sweets as much as i love chocolates~ (; She's from 3e4, yet another class) Love them all lovelies!~ Finally got a picture together! <3 td="td">
And that's all for the first ever update after eons!~ HAHAHA. Hope you enjoyed reading~ There's still more to come! Up next, Forensic Science Workshop xoxo

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