Saturday, August 18, 2012

It's been so long..

2 months plus passed just like that............. Without updating my blog! I'm so sorry guys. It's just been so busy and my mood's been turning on and off and you know, sometimes even when i'm free i just don't know what to blog about or what to blog about. Pouring out my feelings? Nah.. I don't like others to know how i feel or what's my burden. Just happy things. I like to share the joy, not sorrows. (: I guess i'll just update some random things first to keep you guys updated for the past 2 months! ^^ And then i guess i'll be off again for another LONG LONG time because of school. All the tests, homeworks and upcoming exams. It's like we're having tests EVERY WEEK! Stress right? You don't say? Haha. But well oh well, the laughter and care from my friends can really cheer me up at times! :D Okay. Stay tuned to my next post because i'll be updating some of the things that occured the last 2 months! Love ya'll (;

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