Friday, May 11, 2012


HEY BLOGWALKERZ!! I know, i know. I have not blogged like since....... I don't know when? HAHA! But yeahh. I shared some videos that i think is really nice and i hope you guys can find some time and watch it! (: Anws, let's talk about something that's trending worldwide like... Weeks ago? HAHAHA!! Okay, i'm like kinda OUTDATED :P Anws, it's about the HUNGER GAMES!! Have anyone of you watched it?!! It's seriously and reaaallyyyy AWESOME! It's a pity if anyone of you didn't catch it but yeah, GET THE DVD!! LOL. Okay. But now, i know that in Singapore, The Avengers and Dark Shadow is on TOP! Heheh. I'm still finding time to go catch these two! Well oh well, my exams just ended today. Phew. Like FREEDOM FINALLY. :D So........ Yeahh. Now that my exams are over, maybe i should really find some time to keep updating you guys! Sorry, you know, SCHOOL-STRESS. HAHAHA! Okayyyy! So.... Blog next time? YEA! Luv ya'll! <3 xoxo.

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