Sunday, August 19, 2012

August babies.^^

Hey peeps! Managed to find some time to blog on a Sunday. It's really rare you know. Went out early in the morning at 11am to go to church for service and only reached home at around 7+pm. So today, just have something little to share. It's august and i realized that quite a number of people have their birthdays in this month, especially around this period! Isn't it? So today in church, we celebrated Shawn and Karkeat's birthday. And this lovely lifegroup member baked these two cakes for them! ^^

This is Shawn's cake. Looks yummy right? Want some? Hehe :D

And this is Karkeat's cake. Isn't it seducing? Hahaha!

Here's a picture of Shawn(left) and Karkeat(right)! (:(:

Sadly i don't really like cakes or would rather, i only eat chocolate cakes. Like only chocolate. No strawberries, other fruits or excess cream. LOL. I just wanna stay healthy and not get fat! HAHAHA. But anyways, just a little update. And last but not least, Happy Birthday to any August Babies out there! (: xoxo

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Memories of 2 months. ♥

 HELLO! Okay firstly, we'll start of with something personal which is..... I changed my fan! Hahaha. From transparent white to black. 
How does it look? Cool? Stylish? Probably modern? LOL.
 And also not to forget! My church organized this overnight prayer meeting which is from 10pm of 8th Aug to 6am of 9Aug which is my nation's birthday! ^^ And so this is the sanctuary of my church(:

 NEXT! Not to forget something hilarious that i did. My friend came over to my house on a friday. I wanted to eat something so i went to toast these egg cakes and in chinese we call it 鸡蛋糕(ji dan gao) I turned on the toaster and went into my room and later, my eldest brother came and knocked on my door and asked me:"Did you toast something?" And i was like:"OMG! I DID!" And i ran to the kitchen and found these pathetic over-toasted cakes. :( Sad story right? So i just have to stay hungry.... *sobs*

And here now.......... Just some random camwhore that i did. HAHA. xP

 Oh! And just recently, just yesterday 17th August, i had this cca activity which is a Choral Exchange with 4 other schools, one from China, namely Hang Zhou Philharmonic Angel Choir, 2 primary schools from Singapore, Woodlands Primary School(Which is also my primary school!!) and Qihua Primary School, and last but not least, the hosting secondary school, Edgefield Secondary School. These are some of the gifts that we got from the China choir and there's still some more but i'm unable to take the pictures. :/ And another thing personal, it's my dad's birthday too(; Happy belated birthday daddy~

A cute note from a kid from China with best wishes on it.
 And at the end of everything, my friends, Erlly and Jocelyn sneeked outside the school's library to get some polaroid shots and one of it is the one on the right. The one on the left is taken in our school too but on National Day which is on 9 August. (: It's all about memories~ 

 And the very latest! Which is today, i went to my friend, Grace's house to study and so, we also went to Causeway point to get some random things. We got some chocolates, an apple juice and sushi!! :D Looks yummy! Just some motivation to study. Haha. And to add some things, while i'm doing my work, Grace was watching this korean variety show called "Running Man" and there she is, laughing like a mad woman because it was so funny! Lol. Crazy girl. :P But anyways, i managed to complete my work. Mission accomplished. (:

And THIS is the highlight of the day! This crazy girl tried to open her chocolate(which is the m&m milk chocolate. Mine is the yellow one. The one with peanuts.) And so she walked into her room and opened it like a boss and HOLLA! It all scattered on the floor and her bed. CLEVER HUH? HAHAHA! And i what did i do? This is what best friends do when their friend is in trouble: YOU LAUGH FIRST UNTIL YOU'RE DONE AND THEN....... YOU HELP THEM CLEAN UP. Muahahahaha! xD

And that's all for today! I really really will try to find time and share more stuffs with you guys okay! See ya and have a great day ahead! (; 

It's been so long..

2 months plus passed just like that............. Without updating my blog! I'm so sorry guys. It's just been so busy and my mood's been turning on and off and you know, sometimes even when i'm free i just don't know what to blog about or what to blog about. Pouring out my feelings? Nah.. I don't like others to know how i feel or what's my burden. Just happy things. I like to share the joy, not sorrows. (: I guess i'll just update some random things first to keep you guys updated for the past 2 months! ^^ And then i guess i'll be off again for another LONG LONG time because of school. All the tests, homeworks and upcoming exams. It's like we're having tests EVERY WEEK! Stress right? You don't say? Haha. But well oh well, the laughter and care from my friends can really cheer me up at times! :D Okay. Stay tuned to my next post because i'll be updating some of the things that occured the last 2 months! Love ya'll (;