Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm back!! (Part 1)

Finally! It was exhausting bt fun.. A few stuffs tt i wanna share abt:))
Scene 1:
Passed S'pore custom, on th way to msia custom.
*Took out cards to play in th bus*
Preacher Pau: Dun play alrdy. We're reaching soon!
Me: *Looks out of th window*
       There's a jam there.. you see?
Preacher Pau:*Doesn't believe me*
                     Haha. You lyk jam ah?
Me:*Jokes* Ya.. Roti and jam:))
*Keeps th cards and waits*
2-3 hours ltr...
Still in th bus.. Alrdy slept 4 lyk an hour and- It is belived that-The bus onli moved lyk twice or thrice and we are still stucked-.-
Look outside and a sign says tt th custom is onli 1km ahead.
Waited 4 another hour or 2.. Still in th bus-.-''..
Everyone decides to leave th bus and walk to th custom...(everyone does tt)
Reaches th custom and guess wad? It''s longer than ur hair:D Haha. JK. The queue is (estimated) 2 and a half times longer than th custom itself:))waited 4 another hour... and finally, OUT.
(Hope u get it:D)- If u dun get it, look at th ones tt's in BOLD.If u still dun get it, look at th one in BOLD and COLOUR. GET IT??

Scene 2:
In th hotel...
Ppl present(If i can rmb): REUBEN CHAN(Main), Sophia, Grace, Shiya... (Excuse me, i gt STM so as for Shawn, Bryan, John Gaius and Matthew.. I think dey shld b there:D)
*Everyone goes to Lift(Swimming pool) presses no.1 or sumthing*
*Gets out and realised can't get through it to th main lift, climbs th stairs to level 3*
Reuben: *Tries to open door, can't*
            Ehh?? Why cannot ah?
*Everybody is waiting 4 him*
Reuben: *Itchy hand, Presses random bell*
*Bell BEEPS*
Reuben: Ohh, shit.
            *Quickly run away*-.-

To be continued....

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