Monday, May 30, 2011

Big Day!!

Woke up in th morning, had my breakfast, and when to Grace's house. Had to babysit Chloe and Octavian and GOSH!! Chloe keep crying! Den Grace and I went to Mac and I eat lyk so damn a lot!! And my stomach is so big!!(I think i gained some weight:P) And den we went back and continue to babysit and after a while, we went downstairs to play. Went cycling and play badminton:) And i cycle until my butt is freaking pain!! It's kinda fun^^ Den shower and went home!! Yay. HOME SWEET HOME♥(Enjoying th air-con now:D)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What a day...

Gt a new sim card and cancelled my old one... when home and had nothing to do...haizz...WHAT A DAY...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Oops(Pls don't laugh when you see this)

Gosh. Guess what happened today?? Please don't laugh. Promise me. Promise? Okay. I...... ACCIDENTALLY.... knocked..... my..... dad's... tooth..... OUT OF HIS MOUTH!!! OMG!! T.T It's nt my fault.. seriously!! I don't mean it... Sorry dad:(


Went to PTC 2dae with dad. Haf to do duty aft tt, and gt bullied by Doretta-.- Den kena the David-want-to-watch-movie-with-you tease and is furious...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Earth, Air, Water and Fire!!

Had this Adam Khoo workshop ytd and 2dae in sch... and ytd dey were lyk talking abt this IQ and EQ stuffs and today, dey were talking abt something lyk people mastery or watsoever... and den there r all these categories:
EARTH: Bold, confident, always the leader and stuffs...
AIR: Perfectionist, good in homeworks and organizing, super detailed:D
WATER: Always thinking about other people's feelings, giving way to others, loyal to friends
... and last but not least...
FIRE: Open, playful, active, easily distracted, etc.
And we had this 'survey' and  my majority was AIR -which i think is the best- same as Steph. And Alene and Doretta got FIRE. And den we had recess and when Steph and I when to sit down at a bench to wait for recess to be over, Alene and Doretta just can't sit still and both of them wandered elsewhere and Steph and I was lyk:" Haizz...That's FIRE." And den Alene and Doretta went up to the second floor and called us and Steph was lyk telling me," In 5 seconds, they will be gone." And true enough, when I look up again, they are gone!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! But the thing is... we are still best friends!! The thing abt this is that... OPPOSITES ATTRACT:)))

Monday, May 23, 2011

Exams have their own advantages...

Before exam: People cramming and stucking their heads in their books for revision and don't even haf time for MSN or Facebook. Always sleep late at night and can't even get an afternoon nap.
After exam: Results out, some ppl happy, some not. And go to school, nothing to do. Waste time in school... doing NOTHING.
Srsly, i really kinda miss th really busy school days... don't you?? And now, up comes th long, long June hols. Gd luck:) WORST LUCK!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Best days of my lyf!!

Hey guys, soo sorry for nt updating sooner:P Exam is over and even though my grades are quite gd, i'm still kind of disappointed.. dunno y.. Bt anyways, it's still a gd thing tt exam's over!
 Anyways, it's just rilly awesome th first few days aft exam but ltr, i realized tt im rilly BORED-.-

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Some ppl came to my house for filming and used up my room, my bro's room and my living room. It's abt th story of two esthers...can't elaborate more on it.. but th thing is tt my house is invaded!! there's lyk more than 20 ppl in my house..nvm.. and im stuck in th master bedroom using th laptop tv..haizz..shld suggest on having a tv in th master bedrm lols...anyways, hoppe tt th filming will go on smoothly:)

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Busy having my Mid-year exams these days! Bt aft a week of hard work, I finally finished my Maths exam today and am having my last exam-Science-Tomorrow!! Gosh! I dunno if my maths can make it!! Bt srsly, it's easier than Sec 1:)) Anyways, tmr is th last exam!! can glam lyk no body's business liao!! YAY!! Wish me gd luck 4 tmr!

Monday, May 9, 2011


It's after polling holiday... PAP gt th majority:)) Workers party supporters acting lyk ruffians..Haizz.. and m getting ready for history tmr..

Saturday, May 7, 2011

History's killing me!!

I can't find an ans for a history question and summore still nid memorise!! Luckily monday dunnit go sch.. if not im so gonna die...LOL!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Had mt today...sianzz...lost THREE MARKS!!! T.T tmr eng..dunno wad to do... Steph say i will die if i see Alene... wad th hell happened?? Dunno... maybe another of my 缺点?? Aiya... i a lot of   缺点 wan la.... BORING..

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

E-learning Part 2

No school again! Second and last day of e-learning, and tmr will be my MT MYE...omg...stress. Bt i still haf to go to school ltr at 2 for maths. DAMN. Bt th good thing is.. i finish all my e-learning assignments!! And am now updating this blog... gt nothing to do.. a bored. Nvm. Still gt FB:)) I wonder if th maths will be nt looking forward to it... haiz..ZzZz..

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New stuffs!!:))

I realised that my blog is rilly maybe i shld rewind it a little and share some photos!! I'll start with my youth group first. It's all taken in 2010.
This is my youth group - MSF. (mustard seed fellowship)

Few of us went swimming at some1's condo:)
Cool effect:D
Before bathing, the girls went to the Jacuzzi and had some fun with other little kids:)) It's so hot!
This was taken on Gaius's bdae:) in church. Look at wad Shawn is doing to th baby's hand!! Poor Fanny:( 
Next up! Port Dickson!
Shoppin in Malacca!!
Nxt stop, Life in school!
Lols. Old frens.

Alene and me!

Steph and me!

This is all for my album!! Will share more nxt time!! Luv ya'll♥


Finally!! E-learning is over!! Maths is killing me and out of 40 questions, i only gt 23 correct!! Bless me! Lots of careless mistake here and there, felt lyk redoing bt doesnt want to...wad am i talking abt?? Nvm. Bt at least i finished it and i passed it:DD YAY.

Volleyball on Labour day!!

Aft the study grp, Steph, Jia Qian and I went to play volleyball. The ball did fly away bt not to th road cos it's at a safer and better place:)) Had loads of fun!!

Study grp!!

Went to study with Alne, Stephanie and Jia qian ytd and Yew Mei Green's karaoke room and the security guard was lyk asking Steph:
SG: You using karaoke room?
S:    Ya.
SG: You nid on th karaoke? 
S:    No nid. Haf air-con can rdy...
SG: *takes air-con remote into room*
And then we all kip laughing. When we went in and settling down, th security guard came and on th tv and we were lyk:
Alene:    Dunnit on th tv la.
*TV ons and came to channel 8 and its a kids show* 
*Finds it interesting*
Jia Qian: Dunnit off! Dunnit off!! Liddat can.
Steph:    Are we here to study or to watch TV??
Alene:    B4 this show was 'who's no.1'.
Me:        Rilly??
Steph:    Can sum1 off th TV? It's distracting us!
Jia Qian: Heyy! i saw a guy tt looks lyk Enoch!!
*Evry1 hears and LOL*
Alene:    *walks to tv, looks at remote control*Hey! i haf th same remote control!
Steph:    Just off it!
Alene:    This button?
Me:       Just press it!
Alene:    *preses it, tv off* Okay.
*went back studying*
Not long later,
Steph:   My mom thinks tt im going camping!! She stuff everything inside my bag!! *takes             out twisties and share it*
Me:       wow. are we going on a picnic?
Alene:    Can eat inside here meh??
Steph:    cannot. jus hide can rdy.
*Security guard comes in*
Jia Qian: Twisties!! *takes a file and put it on top of alene and her twisties*
SG:        Can u pls sign on both pages? (to Steph)
Steph:    *Takes paper and sign*
SG:        *took it and goes off*
*Evry1 LOLs*
Steph:    My mom is bringing my little brother down later... with the crabmeat.(Alene's fav.)
Alene:    *Eye shines brightly*Rilly??
Steph:    Ohhh... sum1's eye open sooo big!!
A while later, Steph received a call from her mom. Hangs up,
Steph: My mom is coming own soon.
*After a while* 
Alene: Whens ur mom coming?
Me:    Wrong question. U shld ask when is my crab meat coming??
*Evry1 LOLs* 
Aft Steph's mom came and went, and all th food is gone, and study time is almost up, we all went to play billiard and volleyball. IN THE KARAOKE ROOM! and imagine how small it is:)) Had GRREAATT fun!! ♥♥♥


Dunnit go school today cuz gt e-learning. Subjects for 2dae is MT, History and maths...finished MT bt history and maths still unavailable!!!