Wednesday, July 20, 2011


My flu is still here but im feeling better!! Many things are happening and not that good either.. jus hope that everything wld turn out all jus right:)

Saturday, July 16, 2011


My flu isnt gone yet and when i cough i get flem in my throat... And i run out of ricola!!T.T

Friday, July 15, 2011


When to doc ytd, doc gave me 2 days MC... So bored @ home.. Missed damn a lot of lessons, and nxt week is COMMON TEST!! OMGOMG. Wadamigonnado??! Haizz..Gt to stuff me head into ma books when i recover.. And... th medicine srsly SUX! URGH!-.- So sick................. So bored................ So dead..................   .   .   .   .   _____________x.x

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cough and flu!!):

Had fever again 2dae and was sent home frm sch... My cough and flu is getting worser now..and im nt gg sch tmr...haizzz........

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Had flu in sch and fever when home.. haizz.. jus recovered bt hope flu gets away-.-

Saturday, July 9, 2011

250611♥ Youth outing! Part1

I'm back!! Here's some pics of th youth outing!
Waiting for shuttle bus to Marina Barrage!
Fly kite!!:D
Bryan pouring his drink^^
Valerie and me!!
Pic in front of th sundown marathon board!
Fun shot!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Didn't go to church today because i chose to stay home and take care of dad:)) GOOD DAUGHTER. LOL. Feel's bored... will update th blog w the pics soon! Stay tune!

Friday, July 1, 2011

What a dragg...

It's th 1st of July!! Haizz... bt my com is kinda crazy and my dad just gt his eye operation and it's so boring and tiring in school!! My life is sooo NOT interesting.... i wont b able to update th blog as often as i had b4, bt mayb i'll share some pics of my church camp at Batu Pahat and my youth outing at Marina Barrage! Pls continue to vivit my blog, leave comments and stuffs...... u wouldn't know how much all those means to me... Bt to relieve my stress, CHANNEL 5 PLEASEE!! ty!♥