Friday, April 29, 2011


Had fun with volleyball aft maths with Jia Qian and Stephanie!!! Too bad Doretta cant go...and Alene wasnt with us.. We had a crazy time and the ball rolled out of th void deck several times and Stephanie and Jia Qian will go running aft th ball. LOL. And once th ball rolled to th other side of th road and luckily there's no cars...but to make it worst, th ball rolled out again and it went under a car!! And when Steph went aft it, th driver was lyk stopped and it caused a huge jam at th back!! Hahas. And who caused this after all?? It's ME!!! Hahaha!! Sorry 4 th ball incident guyz!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Had History madness 2dae with Sabrina~~ LOLS:D Sit until butt pain , went to get ice-cream to chill and when back to study...was too more energy to write... Sab test me sciencce, ask me wads transpiration pull and i said its transpiration blahblahblah and there's a force called transition pull and its a blahblahblah...hahaha. vry random. And went home...♥

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

MYE IS coming!!!

ı pɹǝɐp ʇɥıs˙˙˙SHIT!!! SHIT SHIT SHIT! MYE MYE dying....some1 pls kill lyk freaking tired and summor still gt LBL remedial on FRIDAY!! Im so nt looking forward to it...and i wish tt studying w/ Sab helps.... or i will just drop dead...den dunnit go for lesser wait..SUNDAY still can study wad...OKIIE!! Grace can help me!!!LOLS. RANDOM.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good friday!!

Ytd was Maundy Thursday(according to Philipines calender), tdy is Good Friday, tmr will be Black Saturday (according to Philipines calender) , and finally, Easter Sunday comes afterwards:) Just came back from Good friday service, and a fun lunch @Astons with th youths and grace's mum and sis. Den when shopping in City Square with Grace,   grace's mum and sis, while others go to nex...i think... tired bt worth it:))

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lollipop day!!

Had 2 lollipops in th morning given by my seniors♥ and then my form teacher gave me another 2, and my fren even offered me three more!! Bt of course, i didnt take it:)) And i ate one during reccess, 2 in th basketball match 2dae..and 1 more is in th fridge :D. And talking abt th Basketball match, UNITY GT CHAMPION IN BOTH BOYS AND GIRLS MATCH!! UNITY ROX TTM!!♥♥♥

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


There's nothing to do... still haf to do my maths and i dunno how to do...and i am super duper tired...URGH!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A day of fighting in th battlefield!!!

YAY!! OMG OMG!!! WE GOT A GOLD!!!! OUR EFFORTS HAF NT GONE TO A WASTE!!! ITS A GOLDD!!! OMG!!! ♥ choir!!IT'S A GOLD!! OMG!! K. I think im going mad:)) lols:D and my lamb gt molested by Fiona in sch until th mrt station and im so gonna clean my lamb.

Monday, April 18, 2011


UNIQvoices!! Gd luck 4 SYF tmr!! Rmb to come with an EAGLE'S mentality!!! STRONG FRAME OF MIND!! Jiayous!! ♥

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jiayous CHOIR!!

UNIQvoices!!! Dun be depressed by wad Mr Liew said k?? he dun rilly mean it actually..he's jus trying to make us stronger in a way tt i dunno how to descrbe. LOL. Let us all reflect on wad happen and go back t sch with a strong FRAME OF MIND!!! k?? Jiayous choir!! ♥♥♥

Monday, April 11, 2011


onli did 4 out of 12 question for math quiz 2dae..hope i dun flunk my math test SYF still gt tests...sianzzz...still gt th project runway...Y M I TH MODEL??!!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Th stress is on!!!

SYF is coming, test is coming..MID-YEAR IS COMING!!!! th stress is onnnn... hope tt i can go 4 th SYF, Get a silver(at least), pass my test w/ flying colours, and score DISTINCTIONS for my exams!!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


WOW. tot tt i will die 4 NAPFA bt fortuntely, im still alive and fb-ing now and how AMAZING, i ran 0.01s slower than last yr!!! Waiting 4 5 items...gonna flunk tt.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

boringggg...rilly vry boringgg....waiting 4 SKY HIGHHH!!!! lols. But rilly vry bored....nvm.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hu is the president?


April fools!!!

It's sooo fun 2dae!!! We managed to trick a teacher and in th morning, jia yi and gwen scared steph and alene out of their wits and they were practically screaming all th way to assemblyy!!! LOLS. and when we r going home 2dae, i pluck a flower and hide it in my hand and they even tot dat that was a spider and hey kip screaming and ran away..and jia qian even pluck my lamb out T.T!!