Friday, July 30, 2010

in sch now...havin ICT lesson...slacking...dunno wat to is fun...but is bored...haha.XD

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Nose bleed more than 10x yesterday, had cough and flu, and is dying... didn't go to sch 2day, dun haf to see lbl, is great and hates the medicines dat made me drowsy... haf to finish the eng brochure by fri... Alene haven't email me yet... can't do... haiz...

Friday, July 9, 2010


Went to John's house him to dare me to go his house in not exactly dare...but anyways, he'll be so shock to hear from Aunty Wendy dat i went to his house...lox.

F*** off!!!

I'm rilly pissed w/ dat LBL 2day...he's suck a  bitch, busturd and jerk and I HATE HIM!!!he suck srsly and no one ever want to go near serves him rite...i rilly pity his wife and his 2 yr old daughter...

Macs Madness!!!

Went to Mac 2day w/ Fateha, Alene, Aida and Jun was so AWESOME!!!Alene and Fateha kept taking plcs of Jun wei and Alene took a few rilly funny vids of Jun Wei... he's so cute!!!Den, Fateha took a pic of me "drinking" from the straw... as in lyk...scratch dat. she'll post on facebook... den when Alene and Fateha went to the toilet, this is a conversat'n of Jun Wei and Aida:

Jun Wei:you want fries???
Jun Wei:i'm full.
Aida:why full?
Jun Wei:...small tummy???

and i sat there laughing and laughing and laughing...HAHAHAHAHA...and when Fateha came back first, i told her the whole thing and den when Alene came back, i repeated the same thing again and Aida said: why are you repeating the same old thing again??? and i continued to HAHAHAHAHA... but 2day was rilly awesome! thx guys!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Hihi! it's been long since i post u noe sch already start, so there's not enough time on the com.hehe^^ just want to share wat happen during june hols...lyk my youth outing...went bowling EARLY in the morning--when the shop isn't even open-.- but still i got 2 strikes in 2 games--as in 1 each??? scratch dat. and we went to Shawn's house played Wii and Sophia and frens were addicted to mario and boxing...while i'm just watching Shawn play Wolfteam...srsly, but it's so obvious dat wolfteam is more fun than Wii mario and boxing rite??? if i'd choose i'll obviously choose wolf team lorh...not bcos of Shawn k...Ahem...*dat's for Sophia and frens:)*