Saturday, May 29, 2010

WTF!!!!!! had PTC 2day and how dare dat idiot bad mouth me in front of my parents!!!He's a BIG sucker and he is so dead...when i see him the next time!!!!! But still my studies r awesaome! All thanks to................ME!!!!! hahahahahahaha:D JKJK la;Dhehe^^ 9th position in class. IS THAT AWESOME OR WHAT????!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Finally i can defeat dat stupid and idiotic monster!!!!!MWAHAHAHAHA....OK,enough of laughter now serious...hehe^^^WHO LAUGH JUST NOW???!!!! OF COURSE IT'S NONE OTHER THAN........THAN....THAN.......THAN.....ME!!!!!!HAHA:)i just can't stop laughing.....MWAHAHAHAHA...okay, i noe dats not funny-.- fine,fine...i'll shut up...


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Elena Desserich and The Notes Left Behind

YAY! holiday!!! fuck dat stupid cher la... we only class haf seven maths lesson during hols sia... SEVEN leh...dun play play larhs...i nvr even fail maths... still give him a B3 leh... go die la...
wonder wat he will say during PTC... hope he dun kpo too much or else he is sooooo dead...hahas...nvm evry1 oso dun lyk him ma...hehe^^

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ordinary Miracle [Elena Desserich]

Seriously...a very rare opportunity to use com. now.Shit.Faeces.lols. listening to a rilly weired song by Royce Chan... sounds lyk a creepy there such a thing??? i guess not...sheesh...i feel so bored at hime and wish i were out SHOPPING!!! not lyk Mindy...always in police station hear ppl calling her "Madam!!!"...kwakakakakaka:D....lox...sorry ah ask me shut up???"YES, MA'AM!" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha^^....whew...dat's funny rite???hehe:)
Finally!1 more week to sch hols!Can't wait to get away from dat idiotic classroom and dat F-cher... but of course there's still hols hmwork...duh..dat's seriously boring...just hate to be bullied by boys...they are just total BASKETS!!! LOX.

jessica Andrews - you will never be forgotten lyrics.avi

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

stupid cher...always make us confuse...i confirm will complain him lorh. he seriously suck.everyone hate him...

Thursday, May 13, 2010


yo hoo!!! exams r over!!! but still haf year end exams... but dunnit go sch on thu and fri...dunnit see dat  cher's ugly face... hahas goin sentosa den vivo den bugis(maybe) w/ my youth fellowship...MSF rox!!! lols.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lag again!!!

Argh!!!!! wtf is wrong with my com??? want attach smthing oso cannot... wats the prob la... stupid com!

i noe my com ssux... but so wat... just let it work normally la... i dun nid a mac book k... but who the hell am i talkin to??? urgh!!!! Royce can u stop singing???? his my bro la... hes sooo irritating hes singing " jolyn jolyn ahhhhhhh~ jolyn jolyn" in legato...*anyhow spell...

wats the prob?urgh all bcos of the lag com...