Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Finally, in my whole life im done w/ my work!Vacation, here i come! hehe. Juz kidding.l8r still haf supp.and i have to face that stupid teacher... i hate him man...the thing is he doesn't know that more than half of the class including 1 out of 10 of the seniors dun lyk him. And he still act superior...if u see his face you will feel lyk killin him. he just suck.i want him fired.Hear that ?FIRED!

forget it...the point is i hate him.:)

P.S. I still hate him...


the com is so lag...or maybe the not done w/ history or chinese...well,im not going to do them anyway,the history is just a lag and a waste of time and the chinese 'cher haven't even reply my message...fine if he dun reply, then i dun do the worksheet...all i nid to do now is to wait for the maths... and im gonna be stuck in the maths...hope the maths doesnt lack or have err.

no school again:D

no school no school....history lagging...crappy com...facebooking bryan... and now wat. hate to do chinese the idiotic xi you ji. i hate it. i dun even wan to read the book. the com's lagging i can only update the blog and chat in facebook...urgh...bored.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

no school day

it's e-learning 2day and i dun haf to go to school!!! starts from 8am to 1pm...having fun chatting w/ classmates in facebook:)Misses the time when i took pics w/ frens. they r having an ice fight(you should noe wat i mean)Got spam i facebook too by the mad-with-info guy-but i get privilege too. pestered by a guy who wants to noe who a fren lyks and why all girls are ignoring him.lols.lame rite?i just told him i dun noe anything.:DNids to relax a little or else i may go BOOMZ! LOLZ.Im super-duper tired by doin el,physics and geog.*yawn*still haf history, mt and maths 2morrow...

Got nothing to do now...
Hey peeps!welcome to my blog if u see the abt me part, dun let urself go mad if u r Jia yan or Bryan.:) but oso, if u r not the above, them be careful not to let ur teeth go missing!And if u r emo, the best thing u can do is not laugh and just say LAME.u can roll ur eyes if u want to.:D But if u r HYPER emo, prepare a tissue box in front of u in case u cry or if u r not this side of HYPER emo type than dun put ur cat or dog in front of u-just in case u dun tear them to pieces.NO OFFENCE.But actually,its quite funny isnt it???Hahas btw,enjoy!